(Q)uintessential Artist

There are singers, bands, musicians…and then there are those who transcend these titles to that of Artist. Rare individuals who defy standard descriptions. Yes they sing, perform, write, play instruments but they are much more than this. They create.

Prince was one of these rare beings and the creative world shines a little less brightly now that he no longer struts amongst us. His Royal Purpleness, The Artist Formerly Known As Prince, Love Symbol, Prince Rogers Nelson. A man small in stature and gigantic in presence.

In true superstar style, announced just two weeks prior, Prince’s first ever Perth show exploded for one night in February this year. I was very keen to go…but didn’t. The rave reviews that followed his solo, piano based performance were thunderous, tinged with a religious fevour, leaving me with a lump of regret in my throat ever since. None more so than today. What an amazing opportunity those concertgoers had two months ago to see this man in full flight. An enormous loss to the musical industry but a legacy that will not be forgotten. Embed from Getty Images