(R)equesting More Peas Please

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How Request + Line by The Black Eyed Peas was not number one across the entire universe I do not know. It’s on my list of Songs I Will Never Get Sick Of, For As Long As I Shall Live.

It has a luscious, laid back, down and funky groove. Superstar lyrics…Last night a DJ saved my life and Macy Gray’s gravelly tones wrapping you up like your favourite grandma singing you to sleep…alright, alright, alright now, alright.

If this is playing in my car, I’m dancing. Not full on dancing because I’m driving and that takes up at least one leg and arm but the rest of me is moving. There’s shoulder rolling, head swaying and singing like I just don’t care who’s looking at me whilst stopped at the traffic lights. If I had a hairbrush handy, I wouldn’t be afraid to use it.

If this doesn’t get you at least tapping a toe or two, check your pulse. You might need a DJ to save your life.