Belated A to Z Summary Post

April’s A to Z Challenge is over. Well and truly over. Like…18 days ago. True to form, I started out strong, fell a little behind, then completely lost the plot three quarters of the way through. After the letter T to be exact. All those pesky, difficult, bloody letters at the end of the alphabet. Weirdly enough, I have a stack of books lying around which I have read to exactly the three quarter mark, then put on the shelf never to return to again. Anyway…I digress. In an effort to belatedly tie up this A to Z business in a neat but very small package, here is the briefest of explanations of how I planned to finish. Should have just done this after T.


U to Z

U is for U2. because I’m okay with any band that can write lyrics like – A woman needs a man, Like a fish needs a bicycle, When she’s trying to throw her arms around the world.

V is for Van Halen because their songs still rock and how can you not love the weird sexiness of David Lee Roth in the Jump film clip, despite his very lazy attempt at lip syncing.

W is for Wuthering Heights, When Doves Cry and Working Class Man.

X is for X-rated lyrics. This would have been a great post. I may revisit this Muthaf*@#!* at a later date.

Y is for You…Shook Me All Night Long because an Aussie backyard party isn’t a party until someone cranks up the Acca Dacca.

Z is for Ziggy Stardust because we all miss Mr Bowie. (And to be honest, there’s not a lot of songs to choose from starting with Z).

Had fun with the A to Z Challenge and I’ll definitely be back next year, this time with more planning and some pre-prepared posts! The biggest lesson I took from it was how something good can come from nothing. Some of my favourite posts were letters I didn’t have a topic for but in the end it somehow all came together. Thanks to those people who gave support and comments along the way. I loved meeting new bloggers and learning what you are all about!

M is for…Misheard Lyrics


What did you just say??

For those who love singing along to their favourite tunes there is always the danger of not quite grasping what is actually being said. This provides the funny bone tickling pleasure that is Misheard Lyrics. Discussion on this topic never fails to produce a snort laugh or two at a party. According to some brief research I have done, the technical term for this musical phenonemeon is mondegreen. It is specific to the unintentional use of similar sounding words in place of the real ones.

Not to be confused with when you’re trying to be funny by singing, “It’s a long way to the shop if you want a sausage roll” in AC/DC’s It’s A Long Way To The Top (if you want to rock n’ roll). Or that thing large groups of Aussies do at the pub when The Angels politely ask,”Am I Ever Gonna See Your Face Again?” and we reply, “No way, get f*****, f*** off!” I don’t think there’s a technical term for that.

Here are my personal top three mishaps in the misheard lyrics department.

Flashdance, What A Feeling – Irene Cara
Take your pants off, and make it happen (Take your passion and make it happen)
I was a naive young girl in primary school when this song was out and I can remember being very scandalised by these racy lyrics.

Luka – Suzanne Vega
My name is Hooker, I live on the second floor (My name is Luka)
Again, I was very worried about a song discussing a prostitute that lived upstairs.

Bad Moon Rising – Creedence Clearwater Revival
Don’t go out tonight, cos it’s bound to take your life, there’s a baboon on the run
(There’s a bad moon on the rise)
This misheard song lyric did nothing to help with my irrational fear of large, human killing baboons.

Another honourable mention has to go to the friend who grew up believing the peace loving Bob Marley had his own serial killer tendencies when he sung: I shot Sherry, but I did not shoot Debbie down.(I shot the sheriff but I did not shoot the deputy). And last but not least, a recent family favourite to be sung whilst shaking your booty on the kitchen floor to Sheppard’s Say Jeronimo:

Bums away, bums away, put your bums away, bums away (Bombs away, bombs away, put your bombs away). 

What are your own favourite misheard lyrics?