Breaking The Ice

Ahh..the first post is always the hardest. All that pressure to explain why you’re here, what your blog is about, what your niche is, what your original, fascinating, never-seen- before-in-this-lifetime theme is. You know, what do you…like, stand for?? Um….

I really don’t know. I have a lot of confusion in that department. All I know is a while back, I started a wee blog for a fundraising project and I loved it. I obsessed about it, sat up after midnight trying to make it perfect and select the perfect (yet royalty free) image to go with each post. Probably neglected most of the rest of my life whilst I was at it, all that unimportant stuff like eating, child rearing, housework, paid employment.

After my wee blog had died a natural death, I went on a major holiday to the opposite end of the earth, by MYSELF, to meet a girlfriend and sleep in until 7am IN THE MORNING. EVERY morning. Whilst I was there, a comment came through on my very last post and it filled me with joy. Just some random person out there in the world, who connected with a memory I had shared, someone who had literally been there too and shared that same little moment. That’s the best I can do at explaining why I’m here.



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